Monday, February 11, 2008

Critique the Critic


The Film I recently have seen is
Juno, which interested me too begin with because of the actor Michael Cera from the film Superbad which I have really enjoyed watching. Also the involvement of Rainn Wilson From the Office was another aspect of the film I enjoyed and thought was a good character. My overall view of the film was that it was interesting throughout with a few odd things intertwined such as the connection the husband Jason Bateman made with “Juno” actress Ellen Page in which I thought was a bit odd considering he was happily married it so appeared but yet he was not yet ready to move on to a father stage of his life.

Critic I overlooked was oddly close in my relation to the view of the this movie which that it was a good film in which teaches a lesson about how life can be rough but never necessary to jump to desperate measures such as actress Ellen page shows when she realizes the value of her unborn child’s life while waiting at the abortion clinic. The critic mentions on how Juno’s nimble tongue and adolescent slang wins your sympathy over and you grow to like her character quite a bit.

My opinion on the overall review of this film is that it was judged quite fair and honest. A good comedic film in which teaches you a lesson in ways of life, but not forgetting how life is never fair to everyone but yet to look upon a brighter side of such things like an unwanted pregnancy and embrace it. I can somewhat agree with the solid score of 93% on the “tomatometer” the general consensus of “brightest” comedy of the year not so much the funniest in general. Overall it’s a movie worthwhile enjoying while its still popular, but in my mind nothing worth going too far out of you’re way for.

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